Wall of Honor

The plaques are the centerpiece of our park! They are our reason for being here. Each plaque contains the name, branch of service, years of service, rank, specific medals awarded, and War in which served.

To find the Wall that holds the plaque of a Service Member, type the last name in the “Search” space and when the list of persons with that name popup, click on the ones that you want and their Wall number will appear.

Each wall is identified by a number that is marked on each end of the wall. Each Wall contains 48 individual plaques and to find your individuals you will need to scan the entire wall until you locate the ones that you are looking for.


 Name Wall Number
Muse, Tommy C.15
Muse, Steve A5
Muse, Jesse L22
Muse, James Newt17
Murrow, R. E. (Bobby)7
Murphy, Thomas B3
Mount, John W. T. Jr7
Morrow, Jerry L.15
Morris, Paul L19
Morgan, J Robert (Bobby)7
Morek, Robert J (Bob)15
Moore, Olin G.13
Moore, Joe B.13
Moon, Kevin D9
Mobley, Jesse M.16
Mitchell, Hubert19
Mims, Martin14
Millwood, Richard D4
Millians, Johnny O12
Miller, Stephen D II21
Miller, Mark W23
Miller, J Mark4
 Name Wall Number